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  • Appraisals

When purchasing real estate, it's essential to think of it as an investment. Even if you are buying or building a warm home for yourself, always remember that you are still making an investment. The concept of the value of money through investment refers to the idea that money has different values at different points in time, and that…

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In the following section, you can read our interview with Ivana Vasiljevic, a graduate lawyer employed in local government, who has extensive experience in the field of property law. She has clarified the meaning of property relations when purchasing real estate, how to resolve access issues to a property, and whether hiring a lawyer is advisable when buying real estate...

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Dear readers, welcome to our second Blog installment, focusing this time on the subject of unauthorized properties or parts thereof. Given that experiences in the field indicate frequent inquiries about this topic, which often perplex real estate owners, we aim to clarify in the following text whether unauthorized real estate or components of real estate can be appraised...

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